Launching Al Mina Prosperity Index Project, North Lebanon

The RELIEF Centre is developing co-designed Prosperity Indices for different neighbourhoods in Lebanon. Following the Prosperity Index (PI) research in Hamra, Beirut, the RELIEF Prosperity Team has now moved to the North of Lebanon to launch a new Prosperity Index for the city of Al Mina, Tripoli. In collaboration with charity CatalyticAction, this city has been chosen for its residents’ diversity, many of whom are part of vulnerable groups. Two local researchers joined our PI Mina team following an open call. The project was first launched by contacting relevant stakeholders who have worked in the city, such as municipal board members, local organisations representatives and community groups. The first stakeholder workshop was held at the end of January. While field visits were done by the team and GIS maps were prepared, the PI Mina team recruited a group of Citizen Scientists who will be conducting the Prosperity Index Research. Sixteen citizen scientists were recruited at the beginning of March. With the updates from the COVID-19 situation, the citizen scientists initiation proceeded through several remote meetings that allowed the PI Mina team to introduce the details of the project and started engaging the citizen scientists with exercises relevant to the tasks they will be performing throughout their work on the research project.   

Our work with Mina Citizen Scientists has continued despite the Corona Virus Confinement. We have adapted our workshops into online sessions that include mapping, brainstorming and team-building exercises. It's been a challenge powering through internet and power cuts (infrastructural symptoms of government corruption), but it's been very rewarding to start the process with this exceptional group. We have launched a call for all our Citizen Scientists to write "Lockdown Diaries", and are awaiting their contributions. We are also discussing the various crises during our workshops. The recent riots in Tripoli have left some feeling insecure, frustrated and stressed, while others are charged with anger and a need to speak up against the injustice and impoverishment imposed on Tripoli and Mina by Lebanon's political class.